
BSNL inet connection and security

it SUCKS. longer story


The modem provided is DNA A211, which by default uses user/pass admin/admin, and the console interface can be accessed by Wireless !

It most likely uses linux kernel 2.6.8 , with probably gnu based stack. I am not able to see the sourcecode being publishes anywhere on the website.

The modem needs a reboot every day, I am still not able to figure this one out, to maintain a stable connection.

It does not provide automatic signal strength for wireless ! Nice way to suck my UPS dry when it runs on batteries.


We can only change your plan, during next billing cycle.

1 comment:

  1. compile openwrt for this modem. this is built on broadcom 6338 SoC. and its supported by both linux-mips and openwrt. good luck. happy hacking. ;-)


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